Importance of technology in our life

Technology has important role in the world since we are now in the information era. It has become an integral part of our daily life which:

Technology lets us communicate with each other easily by using social media, mobile phones etc...

It helps us to aim better living as using many devices in our home like :  fridge, vacuum cleaner, television and hair straighter.

It improves the learning and teaching process by obtaining knowledge fast and easier by using different technological ways.

It makes shopping easier and more interesting as it lets people buy different objects without doing any effort.

It is very important in collecting data in researching. 

Technology lets us communicate with each other easily for example by using social media, mobile phones etc...

It is very important for many jobs like accountant,engineer and doctor as it saves time and effort with excellent results.

Technology is the main success criteria of any invention today.

Children and adults find their entertainment by using technology like playing video games , watching videos and listening to music.

We can't imagine our life without the good use of technology which saves time and effort and lets people live in an easier happy life .

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